Children at the Memorial
Children at the memorial
The Jack Collins plaque at Cintheaux
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© TECT 2019
Typhoon Memorial Weekend 2024 The Typhoon activites were at the end of a very full week of D-Day commemorations in Normandy. Many visiting VIPs had departed after the events on Thursday 6th June but the group that gathered at the small museum in Tilly-sur-Seulles on Friday evening contained many old friends. Peter and Christopher Roper from Canada were able to inspect relics of their father Peter’s adventures in 1944, including the engine of his Typhoon. On the Saturday morning we met again at the church in Noyers Bocage, with the local mayor and councillors, for a short service of remembrance before we paraded to the Typhoon Memorial. A large crowd had gathered which included a children’s choir who sang the British National Anthem. A group of British RAF re-enactors joined us. Also present were members of the RB396 Typhoon Restoration team. Wreaths were laid, National Anthems played, flags raised and short speeches made. Then we returned to the village square for a Vin d’honneur and al fresco lunch. On Sunday morning we travelled to Cintheaux where we participated in a ceremony at the memorial plaque for SqnLdr Jack Collins attended by his son Mike and daughter-in-law Pauline. We then drove rapidly cross-country to Croisilles, hoping to join a commemoration event for James McCartney of 193 Squadron. The plaque site, Place McCartney, was deserted and we learned that the event had been rescheduled for the next day because of the European elections! We then had to check in early for the ferry to Portsmouth because of the very large numbers of visitors returning to England. The ferry journeys to and from France were in fine weather and with smooth seas, not quite like the conditions experienced on D-Day. It was a memorable and enjoyable weekend, full of activities organised by our friends in ASAVN. We thank all who came to remember the Typhoons and their brave pilots.